Training Vendor Help Center

Having some trouble? Here are some quick guides to help you.



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Scheduling Sessions

To schedule your upcoming sessions, follow the steps below. Once sessions are approved by LTV WIO, they will become visible in your dashboard for you to upload rosters, assessments, and survey information. 

Step 1) Click on the Session Scheduling icon, which appears as the left-most icon on the Dashboard.

Step 2) Select the course you’re adding a session to under Course Name.

Step 3) Enter the session title, date, time, location, and number of seats (optional) in the appropriate fields.  If you’d like to add a session, click on Add which will open up new session rows. If you’d like to remove a session you’re working on, simply click the red X.

Step 4) If there are any special notes you need to include about your sessions to LTV WIO,  add them in the Notes field.

Step 5) If there are any supporting documents that you need to provide LTV WIO about upcoming sessions, attach them by clicking Choose Files. This will open up the lift of files on your computer/laptop where you can select the file you need to attach.

Step 6) Double check all of your information. When you are ready, click Request Session(s). The session will then be sent to an LTV WIO administrator for approval. You will receive a confirmation email. 

Upload Roster

Quick Links: 

Bulk Upload template download:

LTV WIO Job Titles: 

LTV WIO Employers list: 


After sessions are scheduled and approved, they will appear in the Manage Sessions table on the lower section of your vendor dashboard. Once it is time to upload rosters in advance of the training, locate a session and click the left-most + icon that appears on the right side of the table. When you hover over this, you will see Upload Participants

On the pop-up that appears, you have several action items. The center of the pop-up is a table that will display participants you have uploaded (registered) for this session. If you have not uploaded your roster yet, it will display No Record found. 

There are two options are uploading your roster: Bulk Upload vs. Manual Upload 

Bulk Upload 

This process involves uploading a .csv spreadsheet containing all required participant data. A standard .csv spreadsheet template will need to be used to ensure the data columns align with the vendor dashboard’s table requirements. A sample template is made available for use. 

Step 1) Download the sample .csv template here:

Step 2) Enter participant data into the appropriate fields 

Important Notes: 

  1. LTV WIO uses a standard list of job titles. When uploading, the job titles you list need to match 1:1 to one of the 31 standard job titles. Spelling, punctuation, and denotation matter. If the job titles are not expressed specifically in accordance to their standard format, the upload will not work. 

     2. LTV WIO requires the Employer field in the .csv template that you upload to correspond 1:1 to an existing employer in the           system. Ensure you denote the Employer field the way it is expressed in the system.

Step 3) Save the spreadsheet as a .csv file (.xlsx will not work) 

Step 4) On the Upload Participant pop-up, click the blue Import button 

Step 5) Locate the file on your computer, select it, and click Open 

Step 6) The Upload Participant form will import the contents of the spreadsheet as long as data is listed in the appropriate fields and will become visible in the table 

When you are complete, you can click Save & Continue Later if you plan on submitting additional roster information, or click Submit to finalize your roster. Once you have Submitted, you will not be able to make changes until after the session occurs. 



Manual Upload 

This process involves adding each participant individually into the table. This option is more labor-intensive of the two options, but may be useful if you need to add a few additional participants to the session once the roster has already been uploaded. 

Step 1) Click Add Participant in the bottom right 

Step 2) Enter all participant fields (if you are unsure of the Employer or do not see the correct Employer listed, contact LTV WIO) 

When you are complete, you can click Save & Continue Later if you plan on submitting additional roster information, or click Submit to finalize your roster. Once you have Submitted, you will not be able to make changes until after the session occurs. 

Roster Verification

Once a training session has occurred, you are required to verify your final roster. This critical step allows you the opportunity to review, modify if needed, and confirm the actual attendance at the event. 

Locate the session that has occurred in the Manage Sessions table and click the second icon to open up Roster Verification. 


The pop-up that opens will show a table of your submitted roster. This process step requires you to compare the actual attendance to the expected attendance (your roster). 

Step 1) For any participant who did not attend the training, de-select the checkbox for their entry (under “Select All”) 

Step 2) For any participant that attended but was not included in your submitted roster, click Add Participant and add their information. 

Before clicking Submit, ensure that every participant who should receive credit is checked. After you submit, your roster is final and unchangeable. 

Pre- and Post-Training Assessments

If you deliver pre- and/or post-training assessments for your sessions, this tool allows you to submit scores for each participant on your roster. After you have verified your roster, you can complete this step. 

Click on the third + icon to the right of the session you are uploading assessment scores for. 


A table will pop-up where you can enter the pre- and post-test scores for each participant. Currently, denominations are out of 10 points. However, vendors will soon be able to set denominators of their choosing to accommodate variations in assessment format. 

Enter raw score values and the system will automatically calculate Total % and % Difference +/-. When you are finished, click Submit to complete this step. 

Course Satisfaction Surveys

The vendor dashboard is designed to manage submitting course satisfaction survey results for completed sessions. Currently, surveys are hosted and completed separately on Qualtrics (not on the vendor dashboard). 

For now, there is an option to verify that your satisfaction survey has been submitted by clicking on the fourth (left-most) + icon for your session. This will open up an attestation form that you can acknowledge to after your survey has been submitted on Qualtrics. This step is not required by LTV WIO, but rather is a helpful, but optional, step for your own organization and accounting. 

Coming soon: Qualtrics surveys embedded directly in the Vendor Dashboard! 

Still having trouble? Fill out this contact form and somebody from support will be in touch with you shortly.