User Dashboard Guide

Your user dashboard is where you can access all of the information regarding the courses you have taken already, as well as those that you are registered for. You can access the course details, links to the trainings themselves, and most importantly your Transcripts and Certificates. Below are the steps you can take to access those things.

Hover over LTV Trainings in the top menu bar. You’ll see the options Trainings and My Courses. Click on My Courses.

From there you’ll be taken to your dashboard. You’ll see a basic overview of some of your trainings, any featured trainings, and any announcements. There will also be a sidebar with various options for what to view, which is what you will need to use to navigate the dashboard.

Accessing your Transcripts

In the left-hand sidebar, select the option that says Transcripts

You will see the courses you have completed. You can the transcripts for them directly by clicking Download PDF, or you can have them emailed to you by clicking Email. Either option will give you a PDF of your transcripts for you to use as you need.

Accessing your Certificates

In the left-hand sidebar, select the option that says My Certificates.

You will then see a list of the certificates you have earned. You can download them individually by clicking the certificate icon in the Certificate column, or you can download multiple at once by checking the box of the ones you wish to download in the left-most column and clicking Download PDF. Either option will give you a PDF of your certificates, and you can do with them what you need.