Resetting your Password

Something that a lot of users find themselves needing to do is reset their password. Most often, people will be logging into their account for the first time in a long time, and can’t remember their passwords. The process is pretty straigforward, and your access will be restored quickly. This process is the same for everyone on the site, admins and subscribers alike.

There are multiple ways to access the lost password form. You can do so from the Log In form accessable in the menu bar above, via the sign-in on course registration pages, or hovering over the Login in the upper right-hand corner and selecting Lost Password.

No matter which option you use, you will be taken to a page where you can enter your email address. Enter the email address associated with your account, and then click Submit. You will then be sent an email to that address.

Note: That email is often marked as spam. Be sure to check your junk/spam folder. It also can get quarantined by your organization. If you believe that may be the case, please reach out to

You will receive an email with a link that will take you a page to enter your new password. Follow that link.

Enter a new password in the designated field. The text in that field is an example, you can replace it with whatever you wish. Once you enter a password that meets the strength requirements, click Reset password. One you do that, your password will be reset and you will be good to go.