Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Create a Welcoming and Inclusive Environment (Part 4)

This course includes group activities and experiential learning exercises to deliver a highly engaging, meaningful, and impactful course. The curriculum is intended to create awareness, increase knowledge, and build strategy around working with a diverse workforce and patient population.

This course consists of four parts to be taken separately. This course must be taken in order.

Duration: 1 Hour (each part)

Total # of Hours: 4 (when all parts are taken)


Part 4: How to Create a More Welcoming and Inclusive Environment (must take Parts 1-3 first)

Throughout the course, participants will be encouraged to reflect on their own experiences and how they can influence and affect the world around them. This heightened self-awareness will help participants attribute greater responsibility to themselves for the outcomes of situations they find themselves in. Participants will develop the ability to:

    • Promote specific strategies to activate their healthcare workforce partners to embrace and promote diversity, equity, and inclusion.
    • Employ Diversity and inclusion strategies to foster greater inclusion within their own workgroup.
    • Establish the behaviors and skills needed to be successful in shaping an inclusive climate.
    • Embrace best practices for improving cultural competency and creating positive change.


Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Overview:

Part 1: Health Disparities and Inequities

Part 2: Bias and Stigma in Healthcare (must take Part 1 first)

Part 3: Cultural Competency (must take Parts 1 and 2 first)

Part 4: How to Create a More Welcoming and Inclusive Environment (must take Parts 1-3 first)

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